Dr. Solange I. Mussatto, Head of BCBT group, has received a grant of DKK 15 M from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) to create innovative technologies able to accelerate the green transition. The project entitled “Biobased Solutions to Promote Sustainability” (BiobaseDK) will allow her group to expand the research area by covering additional topics such as process intensification, microbial co-cultivation, carbon dioxide utilization in (bio)processes, and life cycle assessment.
"We are delighted to receive this grant from NNF. It represents not only a recognition of the research work we have been doing, but also an incentive to continue advancing this area of research, which is highly relevant today to ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for the next generations", said Dr. Solange I. Mussatto.
The grant will also allow the BCBT group to expand the team of researchers and infrastructure available for the activities. To support such growth, the group has moved to DTU Bioengineering, a department at the Technical University of Denmark committed to advancing the state-of-the-art in sustainable bioprocesses.
“This move will allow advancing the research developed by the group, contributing to further strengthening our research and education in the area of sustainability. In addition, the development and use of new techniques, the integration of complementary skills and knowledge, will reflect in new opportunities for collaboration with universities and companies”.
The BCBT group works to transform the fossil-based economy to a more sustainable and bio-based economy. The group activities contribute to fulfill several of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).